Friday, November 14, 2008

the depths of my nerdliness know no bounds...

i am so excited! my awesome sister-in-law sarah is in town visiting with her teeny weeny baby (seriously, georgie is only 2 weeks older than edie but georgie looks like she ate edie) and look what we spent 2 hours doing yesterday!!



yes. i am a dork to be so happy that my pantry now looks like a grocery store shelf. hurray!!


Jessica 7 said...

Organization makes everyone happy! I don't know anyone who would prefer to dig around for something if they could know right where it was.

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Kitties & Cupcakes said...

Ya! I did the same thing last week. Our hurricane supplies (another word for food storage in FL) had overtaken the closet. It's a good feeling huh? I had no idea how many cans of soup we truly had. Guess what I'll be eating for lunch every day now....

Nikki said...

I NEED to do that as well....I just can't seem to bring myself to start because it always requires making more of a mess to before actually achieving organization!